Black is a color that is both liked and hated, while some have mixed emotions towards it. Some even say that it is not a color.
Black is a color that I love and adore. I love its look, the emotion it gives and the impression it leaves.
I take black to be a spectrum; different meanings and different sides.
Allow me to illustrate in a simple and relaxed way…
Black is considered to represent power, authority and strength which I personally believe is true.

Elegance and sophistication.

As most would side with me, black is considered to be a lack of color. I believe that’s why there are so many people who love black and white photos as this evokes emotion.

An emotion so strong that it can be overwhelming.
Just as overwhelming as deception (another meaning given to this color)…

It is also considered to be mysterious….

And sexy (maybe) because of its slimming effects but I don’t think that that’s only reason why. 😉

Lastly, the most popular and most believed meaning of black is that it represents gloom..

and also sadness thus, the popular color seen during events such as funerals.

Just to mention but a few.
However, my question to all is…
Can we find peace and serenity in black? A trait and feeling never given to it?

I think I can.

What say you? 😉
Lui Warui
(top and sweatpants modelling 😉 )
Photo Credits:
Jozzy Warui
Lui Warui